
Viscounts of Cabrera route

The history of Blanesis closely linked to the Viscounty of Cabrera, one of the most important feudal dinasties in Catalonia for over 900 years, from the 11th to the 19th century. The viscounty was almost a state within the state because it had its own government, taxes, army and justice. The viscounts only obeyed the king as his vassals. They have left a trace on the territory which is still visible nowadays like those castles or vilas where they lived in. The ones in Blanes are some examples but there are more in other towns, such as Hostalric, Anglès, Vidreres, Palafolls and Torelló. Hostalric had always been the administrative capital until the end of feudal dinasties.

SANT JOAN (16)-min

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La ruta dels Vescomtes de Cabrera