
blanes-font-gotica còpia

25 Nov: The Gothic Fountain of Blanes

Blanes is much more than a town with paradisiacal beaches and charming coves. Blanes is a town with more than a thousand years of history. It is only necessary to take a walk through the streets of the center of our town to find a lot of buildings, hermitages, and monuments that explain our ancient past to our visitors.
Només cal donar una petita volta pels carrers del centre de la nostra vila per trobar-hi un munt d’edificis, ermites i monuments que expliquen als nostres visitants el nostre passat mil·lenari.

A pocs dies perquè arribi l’estiu,  una de les estacions més esperades de l’any, i amb el bon temps començant-se a notar a tot arreu, ha arribat el moment perfecte per parlar d’un dels elements més característics del nostre poble, les nostres platges.

27 May: Endless beaches, charming beaches

A few days before summer arrives, one of the most anticipated seasons of the year, and with the good weather starting to be noticed everywhere, it’s the perfect time to talk about one of the most characteristic elements of our village, our beaches.

sa palomera

28 Mar: Sa Palomera, an identity symbol of Blanes!

With the arrival of spring and good weather, it’s also time to enjoy all the fascinating nooks and crannies that Blanes hides. That is why today we want to tell you about one of the most representative symbols of our town, the iconic “Sa Palomera”.